Established in 1948, the Department of Geography, Gauhati University is one of the oldest geography departments of the country. From a modest beginning the department has flourished to reach its present status because of the untiring efforts of the faculty members and the great potentiality possessed by this part of the country for geography education and research. India’s north east, the initial hinterland of the department, continued to be a terra incognita even after the country’s independence. This naturally posed before the department an intellectual challenge to unravel the marvels of the region’s nature and culture. Directed thus by the prevalent situation, curiosity and compulsion, the then faculties of the department decided to set a goal, rather a mission, towards understanding the geographical fabric of the region. Today, as we live in an increasingly interdependent world caught up in a global chain of events, the department redefines its mission to put it under the umbrella phrase- -Understanding Geography of the North-East in a New Global Order-- besides upholding the general academic standard of the discipline.