1. Trend of enrolment in secondary level teacher training programme of IGNOU and Gauhati University- The clarion Volume 7, number 1 (2018), PP 83-87-ISSN: 2277-1697
2. A study on teacher effectiveness at primary level, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. IOSR Journals International Organization of Scientific Research. e-ISSN: 2279-0837, Volume : 23, Issue : 1 (Version - 4),2018 p-ISSN : 2279-0845
3. Achievement of students in secondary level Teacher Training Programme of IGNOU and Gauhati University. Prof. Jagat Swargiary and Rajiv Kumar Jha, Department of Education, Gauhati University, Guwahati, India. International research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences ISSN(O): (2349-4085) ISSN(P): (2394-4218) Impact Factor-5.414, Volume 4, Issue 123, December 2017
4. Perception of University Students towards ethnic identity, Journal of Education & Research, Peer reviewed, ISSN No.: 2349-8838, 2015 March
5. SWOT Analysis in the Rural degree colleges of Assam-n assessment study- Golden Research Thought-2231-5063, Peer reviewed, 2015 Dec.
6. Value judgement pattern of higher Secondary school students of Kamrup district (individed) of Assam in relation to social, family, power and economic values (pages5-8)- Co author Indian stream Research journal Vol. III, issue IV/July, 2013-2230-7850- Double blind peer reviewed, Impact factor.210-5
7. A study on the academic practices and infrastructure facilities in the rural colleges of Assam (pages 83-87) (Co-author - one). Social science journal, Voll – II, Issue : I, from June, 2013, 2278-4276, pear reviewed.
8. Inclusive Education Programme for Disabled Children under SSA in Assam- A study report Social science Journal, Vol. –II., Issue: 1, from June 2013, 2278-4276
9. A comparative study on Human Resource development correlates of Gauhati & Tezpur University of Assam, Social Science Journal, Vol. II, ISSN No.: 2278-4276. Jan-June 2013
10. University-Industry linkage initiative in higher education for human resource development, PP15-19, Social science journal-Vol.1 Issue-II, July-Dec, 2012-2278-4276-Peer reviewed
11. The female offenders and their interpersonal relations in the family- Golden Reserach Thoughts, Vol-2, Issue 6/Dec. 2012-2231-5063-Double blind peer reviewed
12. Role of Family and Society in inculcation of values, PP 20-31- Betterment of Education edited by Preyanandini Dixit, Mahesh Bhargava, Rakhi Prakashan, 2012. 12A, 4th Floor, Raman Tower, Sanjay Place, Agra-282004- 978-93-80375-30-4- Peer Reviewed
13. Educational Leadership of organizational behaviour, PP 264-274- Modern perspectives of organizational behaviour. Edited by- Haseem Taj & piyush Bhargava. Harprasad Institute & behavioural Studies, 2012 41-42, Hardeep Enclave, Sikandara, Agra-282007- 978-93-81427-09-5
14. Control management in Education: Crisis, conflicts and problems, Page 67-69, Prajna Volume, xxi, 2011-12
15. A study of the trends of educational research in the University of Assam, PP 259-280- Contemporary Indian education special reference to Assam and Punjab. Edited by Dr. Kushvinder Kumar, Gurusu Sadhur, Ludhiana (PG), India, 2011-97881-9222175-5
16. Bharatat Shikshan Agragati- Textbook for TDC (Major) 2nd Sem, TDC (Pass Course) , 3rd Sem, Asomi Prakashan, Ghy-781001- 978-81-922887-27- Peer reviewed
17. Value of self control, personal goal and self regulation, page-82-86, Prajna Volume (xx, 2010-2011-ISSN-09799072
18. Curriculum reorganization-Blending education spirituality, pp-27-31, Prajna Journal (GUTA), 2009
19. Curriculum evaluation for the excellence in Higher education, PP 65-73- A book containing brief proceedings, recommendations and some papers presented in National workshop (cum seminar) on quality issues in undergraduate education: Challenges and opportunities with special reference to the Northeast of India. Edited by D. Ch. Bhagabati & M.Deka- Published by Principal, Tihu College, Tihu, 2005- Peer reviewed
20. Education for learning to live together: An approach to human rights and their protection, pp 377-392- Education for the survived of human race –published by Anthoris press, Publishers of scholarly books, New Delhi (India), 2003