MA (Gauhati) PhD (Gauhati)
Guidance and Counselling
Department of Psychology
Gauhati University, Guwahati, 781014
Email: ipborooah[at]gauhati[dot]ac[dot]in
Social Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Theories of Personality
Counseling Psychology
Ph. D. Awarded
Present Ph. D. Research Scholars.
1. 1. Rima Baruah (Psycho-Social Status and Its Relationship with Sexual Function in Female Sex Workers of Assam)
2. 2. Bidita Das (Relationship of Psychological Capital and Spiritual Intelligence to Quality of Life and Effectiveness in College Teachers)
3. 3. Tahera Mazumdar (Family Environment, Perceived Loneliness and Adjustment among Adolescents in Relation to Gender and Religion)
4. 4. Temsusenla Jamir (Intergenerational Transmission of Parenting Styles among Ao/Nagas: Association with Psychological Well-Being in Adolescents)
5. 5. Shabnam Yesmin (to be finalized)
Social Distances in a Multi-Tribal Society. Jr. of Community Guidance & Research, 28(3), 2011.
2. A Study of Adjustment of People with HIV/AIDS. Jr. of Community Guidance & Research, 30(1), 2013
3. A Comparative Study of Extraversion & Neuroticism between Persons with Cardiovascular Disorder & Diabetes from Urban Middle Class. Int. Jr. of Humanities & Social Science Invention, Vol 2, Issue 4, 2013
4. Knowledge About & Attitudes toward Mental Disorders among Nagas in North East India. IOSR Jr. of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 15, Issue 4, 2013
5. A Study on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Adolescent Psychopathology in the Senior School Students of Assam. IOSR Jr. of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 19, Issue 1, 2014
6. Study of Loneliness in Urban Middle Class Women of Assamese Society. Jr. of Community Guidance & Research, Vol. 31 (10) March, 2014
7. Ingroup Bias Amongst Nagas – A Psychological Study of Social Distance. IOSR Jr. of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol. 19, Issue 10, Ver. I (Oct.2014).
8. Spirituality Profile of Creative Individuals. IOSR Jr. of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol. 20, Issue 5, Ver. III (May, 2015)
9. Character Strengths and Academic Achievement in Undergraduate College Students. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, Volume 7, Issue 1, March, 2016.
10. A Study of the Faith Healers of Assam. In New Perspectives of Mental disorders, Srivastava, S. K. & Kant, S. (Eds.) 2013.
Primary fields of interest are environment and social behaviour. Environment in terms of both physical and social-cultural settings and their impact upon various psychological variables ranging from perception, interaction, creativity, excellence, restorative and invigorating effects of natural environments to spirituality.
Books edited
Influence of Developmental Programmes of Various Agencies on Public Perception: An Attitudinal Survey. Funded by Defence Institute of Psychological Research. New Delhi. 2005.
Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Round 7, Counselling Component, Project “Saksham” for training and supervising/mentoring HIV/AIDS counsellors under State AIDS Control Societies of North East India. Funded by Global Fund, Geneva. April, 2009 to May, 2015.
1. Gender Justice and Peace in North East. TISS Guwahati, 28th Oct 2014
Founder member of Psychologists’ Association of North East India (PANEI). Served as Treasurer of the founding Executive Committee for a term of two years. Elected as general secretary of PANEI for two terms. Served two terms as the President of the association from 2012 to 2016.
Honoured by The Governing Council of the Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA) with SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY BEST PERFORMANCE AWARD 2016