My work goal is to develop UV-Visible photodetectors (PDs) from Porous silicon (PS) based hybrid Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) hetero-structures. Different metal sulfides and metal oxides are deposited or incorporated on PS surface to achieve those hybrid structure. Basic goal is to attain High responsive and high speed PDs
M Sc. Physics
Condensed Matter Physics (Sem-II)
- Dielectric and Ferroelectric properties ( Unit-III)
- Energy Bands in Solids (Unit-IV)
Advance CMP-I (Sem-III)
- Semiconductor Devices (Unit-IV)
- Magnetoconductivity (Unit-V)
Advance CMP-II (Sem-IV)
- Physics of nanomaterials (Unit-II)
- Soft CMP (Unit-III)
- Distinct band UV–Visible photo sensing property of ZnO-Porous silicon (PS):p-Si hybrid MSM heterostructure. M. Das, S. Sarmah, D. Barman, B. K. Sarma, D. Sarkar. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 118 (2020) 105188 I.F: 2.722
- Distinct and enhanced ultraviolet to visible ZnS-porous silicon (PS):p-Si hybrid metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector. (RSC Best poster Award 3rd International conference on material science (ICMS) 2020, Tripura University 3rd -6th March 2020) M. Das, S. Sarmah and D. Sarkar. Materials Today: Proceedings (2020) ISSN 2214-7853
- UV–Visible photo sensing properties of CdS-porous silicon (PS): P-Si and ZnO-PS: p-Si heterostructures metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) based devices. S. Sarmah, M. Das and D. Sarkar. Materials Today: Proceedings (2020) ISSN 2214-7853
- Photo sensing property of nanostructured CdS-Porous Silicon (PS):p-Si based MSM hetero-structure. M. Das, S. Sarmah and D. Sarkar. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30 (2019) 11239-11249 I.F: 2.195
- UV-Vis photodetection of porous silicon (PS) MSM structure passivated with CdS. M. Das, D. Sarkar
- December 2016
- AIP Conference Proceedings 1832(1)
- DOI:
- 10.1063/1.4980518
- UV-Visible optical photo-detection from porous silicon (PS) MSM device M. Das, S. Sarmah, D. Sarkar. Superlattices and Microstructures 101 228-235(2017)I.F:2.385
- Influence of etching current density on microstructural, optical and electrical properties of porous silicon (PS):n-Si heterostructure. M Das, P Nath and D Sarkar Superlattices and Microstructures 90 77-86 (2016) I.F: 2.385
- Morphological and optical properties of n-type porous silicon: effect of etching current density M. Das, D. Sarkar. Bull. Mater. Sci., 7 1671–1676 (2016) I.F: 1.264