About Prof Sanjay Kumar Singh
Dr Sanjay Kumar Singh is presently Professor and Head in the Department of Library and Information Science at Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam. He has completed his schooling and higher education in Guwahati. He is an active life member of several professional organizations viz IASLIC, IATLIS, ILA, ALA, GLA, NBT, IDEA, etc. He was Joint Secretary of Gauhati University Teachers’ Association (GUTA) for three terms i.e. 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2013-14; Vice-President during 2014-15, and Treasurer of GUTA during 2016-17. He was Assistant General Secretary and Vice President of Guwahati Library Association (GLA) for two terms and Office Secretary of Assam Library Association (ALA) for one term. He was Assistant Coordinator of IGNOU Guwahati Study Centre for eight years from 2001 – 2008 and Academic Counselors of Guwahati Study Cenre of IGNOU and NOIS up to 2001 and PIC and Academic Counselor of LIS programme of IGNOU Guwahati Study Centre from 2011 to 2015.
He has attended numbers of seminars /conferences at international, national, regional and state levels in different parts of India. Dr Singh is also associated with UGC- HRD Centre (earlier Academic Staff College) of the region as Resource person in RC, OP, Research Methodology courses and workshop for non-teaching staffs of universities and colleges. He has published more than 50 papers in different journals, seminar/conference proceedings, and edited books, etc. He was the member of Editorial Board of journals/proceedings published by DLIS, GU and GUTA and also the member of Advisory board of CLISS Journal published by Dibrugarh University, Assam; and Granthakuti published by Dibru College, Dibrugarh. He has assisted in editing three books and written one book. He is a member of Review Committee of various journals and proceedings. Six scholars have been awarded PhD under his supervision. Recently two scholars have submitted their thesis. His another edited book will be published on 12th August 2018 on Librarians’ Day.
Dr Singh has also worked as Librarian in the Institute of Neurological Sciences at Guwahati from July 1995 to July 1997. He is a Regional SOUL Coordinator of INFLIBNET Centre (IUC of UGC) Gandhinagar for North East Region since 2010.
Teaching Experiences: Total more than 22 years
Lecturer (Part Time & Adhoc), Gauhati University (16th February 1996 to 30th July 2004)
Lecturer, Gauhati University (30th July 2004 to 15th May 2009)
Reader, Gauhati University (15th May 2009 to 14th May 2012)
Associate Professor, Gauhati University (15th May 2012 to 14th May 2015)
Professor, Gauhati University (since 15th May 2015)
Administrative/ Research Experience:
1. Head of the Dept, Library and Information Science, GU since 9th February 2016.
2. Warden of RCC-2 Boys Hall, GU for about 6 years and RCC-! Boys Hall, GU for 2 years.
3. Recognized PhD guide, Gauhati University.
4. 6 Scholars have been awarded PhD under my guidance, 2 have submitted and 6 Scholars are working presently
Academic/ Professional Responsibility: (either already completed or continuing)
1. Act as Resource persons in different Refreshers courses and Orientation Programmes of both University and College Teachers organized by UGC- HRDC of the region and neighbouring states.
2. Member Selection Bodies for selection of Faculties/ Librarians of colleges and other institutions of Assam other states of the country.
3. Chairman, Board of Studies in LIS, University of Gauhati (2 years)
4. Chairman, Department Research Committee in LIS, GU (2 years)
5. Member, Board of Studies in LIS, University of Gauhati, Assam University, NEHU, Mizoram University and Tripura University.
6. Member, Academic Council, Gauahti University
7. GB Member, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), a national professional body, earlier for two terms (3 year each).
8. Office Secretary, Assam Library Association, a state level LIS professional association in LIS for one term.
9. Vice president, Gauhati University Teachers' Association (GUTA)for a one year term
10. Joint Secretary, Gauhati University Teachers' Association (GUTA) for 3 one year term
Other Academic/ Professional Works
1. Acted as Chairman in different National/ International Seminars in LIS organized by different bodies at different places of the country.
2. Delivered Keynote speech/ Invited lecture in different National Seminars/ Workshops organized by the Universities and Colleges of Assam and outside Assam
3. Course Coordinator of one Orientation Programmes for University and College teachers/libraries organized by UGC-HRDC (earlier Academic Staff College)
4. Seminar Director/ Workshop Director in number of National/ Regional/ State level Seminars/ Workshops
5. Organizing Secretary of number of National Seminars, Training Programmes, Workshops, and other related programmes.
6. Chairman in the 1st ICTL (International Conference on Transforming Libraries) jointly organised by CIT Kokrajhar and Dept of Lib & Inf Sc, GU (July 2016)
7. Secretary, Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee, Dept of Lib & Inf Sc, GU (Continuing)
1. More than 50 articles/ papers published in national/ international publications/ Journals
2. Edited three books.
3. Written one Book.
Member: Professional/ Academic/ Social Bodies
1. Life member, Indian Library Association (ILA)
2. Life member, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (IASLIC)
3. Life member, Indian Association of Library & Information Science Teachers Association (IATLIS)
4. Life member, Assam Library Association
5. Life Member of Guwahati Library Association
6. Life member, IDEA
7. Life member, NBT
8. Life member of ... Tezpur