Deptarment of History
Arts building, Gauhati University
email: ,
B.A 2008, Presidency College, Kolkata
M.A 2010, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
M.Phil,2012, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Gender History
Economic History of Modern India
Social History of Modern India
History of Modern Europe
Post Indedenpence India
Political History of Medieval India
Gender Studies
Social History of Modern India
Dalit issues and studies in Social Exclusion
1. Representing women and Womanhood in Early Assamese Journals: the first level of consciousness of women Rights ,Quest Monthly International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, June, 2012 pp.125-132 (ISSN No. 2278-4497)
2. Patriarchal tradition and female subjugation in Colonial Assam: Continuity v/s Paradigm Shift, Indian Stream Research Journal(International Monthly), August,2012, pp.12-16 (ISSN No. 2230-7850)
3.Bondage, Patriarchy and feminine in Anita Desia’s Novel: A silent Revolt, Abhinav National Monthly Research Journal(online), October,2012, Volume I, Issue-X (ISSN No.2277-1182)
4.Women Question in Early Modern Assam and Orunodoi: Role of print media in Women Emancipation, Drishtibhangi: An annual National Research Journal of Philosophy and Humanities, October,2012,pp.193-206 (ISSN No.2278-5892
5. Social Movement N.G.Os: Organization of Women, Disabled People, Dalits and Adivasis, Indian Stream Research Journal(International Monthly) September,2012 (ISSN No.2230-7850)
6. Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s Contribution to Mankind: A saga of Reawakening, Retrieval and Humanity, Golden Research Thought International Journal(Monthly), September, 2012 (ISSN No. 2231-5063)
7.Women Subjectivity and Feminist Concerns in the earliest Assamese Journals: An Era of a new identity for women, The Marginal Voice, Annual International Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume-I, December, 2012 (ISSN No. 0976-853X), Published by NEINAD
1. Gender issues amongst the tribal farmers: The Jarwa tribes of Jharkhand in 7day’s workshop on farming methods, issues & challenges,IAS,BHU, 25-01-2017
2. Acid Attack and perpetuation of gendered crimes in Refresher Course in Women Studies & contemporary issues, UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University,7-09-2016