LL.M. (Gauhati) Ph.D. (Gauhati)
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
Department of Department of Law
Gauhati University, Guwahati, 781014
Phone: 8486330306
Email: abaruah[at]gauhati[dot]ac[dot]in
LL.B. from Gauhati University (1996)
LL.M. with Specialization in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law from Gauhati University (1999)
PhD from Gauhati University (2006) entitled " A Constitutional study of the Preamble"
Research Guide since 2009
Joined in the Department as a Assistant Professor on 1st of February, 2007.
Presently, serving as Associate Professor since 9th of May, 2022.
Presently, serving as Head, Department of Law, Gauhati University since 31st of December, 2022.
Teaching Specialization Papers: Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws
Areas of Interest
"Preamble of the Constitution of India: An Insight and Comparison with other Constitutions" Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi (2007) ISBN 81-7629-996-0
Dr Pratap Chandra Das (ed.) Law relating to Human Rights & Environment 243-254 (University Book House Pvt. Ltd Jaipur) ISBN 978-81-945-288-0-7, 2020 Chapter titled Polluter Pay principle & the Indian Judiciary - An overview
"Emerging role of Artificial Intelligence vis-a-vis complexities of law & morality" published in CPJ Law Journal VOL. XIII Issue 2, (2023) ISSN: 0976-3562
'Understanding Interpretation via Jurisprudential Lenses' in the International Journal of Law Management & Humanities,Vol.5, Issue.5 (2022) ISSN(O): 2581-5369
"The Golden Triangle- A hub of narcotics Trade & its repurcussions for North-east India vis-a-vis the Act East Policy-An Analysis" published in The Indian Police Journal, VOL.68 No. 1 (2021) ISSN: 0537-2429
"Role of the National Green Tribunal for the Protection of Environment in India" published in Shodh Sanchar Bulletin (2020) ISSN 2229-3620
Paper on Judicial Approach to Sustainable Development and Environment in India: A brief overview in the International Conference on Recent Trend and Practices in Science, Technology, Management and Humanities for Sustainable Rural Development held at USTM ((6-7 September, 2019))ISBN: 978-93-85822-92-6
"The Right to Information and Good Governance- An Insight" published in Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences (2017) ISSN 0973-3914
"The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act" published in Space and Culture, India (2014) available at https://www.spaceandculture.in/index.php/spaceandculture/article/view/41/28
"Establishment of the Institution of Ombudsman (Lokpal): The Need of the Hour" published in Pragna, Annual Journal of Gauhati University Teacher's Association VOL. XXII (2012-13)
"Safeguarding the Rights of Minorities" published in South Asian Journal of Human Rights VOL III (2007)
"Safeguarding the Rights of the Disabled Persons" published in Indian Journal of Human Rights & Justice VOL III (2007)
"Gross Violations of Women's Rights- Domestic Violence" published in Indian Journal of Human Rights & Justice VOL I (2005)
Present Scholars
Mridusmita Baruah (2023)
Saurav Jhunjhunwala (2023)
Chandan Bordoloi (2023)
Dolly Kumar (2019)
Pravek Medhi (2018)
Past Scholars
Dr. Md. Akkas Ali (2024) - "Delay in dispensing Criminal Justice in India with special reference to the State of Assam"
Dr. Sharmistha Baruah (2023)- "The Problem of Drug Abuse among Children- A Socio-Legal Analysis"
Dr. Rituparna Bhattacharjee (2023) -"An Analytical Study of Interpretation of Law and Morality under Indian Jurisprudence"
Dr. Kasturi Gakul (2021)- "An Analytical Study on Adoption of Children with reference to the Juvenile Justice Law in India- A Legal Perspective"
Dr. Jarna Kalita (2019)- "Constitutional Provision relating to Reservation for Women in the Context of Political Empowerment in India -A Legal Study"
Dr. Prahlad Kumar Brahma (2018)- "An Analytical Study on Customary Laws of Bodos in Assam"
Dr. Smita Sarmah (2018)- "Role of Geographical Indication in securing the Rights of the Indigenous People's in Assam- An Analytical Study"
Dr. Dhiraj Bhusan Sarma (2018)- "Provisions of Free Legal Aid under various Statutory Laws with special reference to the Constitution of India- A Brief Study"
Dr. Taznara Khan (2018)- "Child Trafficking: A Crime against Humanity with special reference to the State of Assam"
Dr. Gitanjali Debi (2016)- "Emancipation of Persons with Physical Disabilities with reference to Kamrup (M), Asom: A Judicial Diagnosis and Panacea"
Dr. Anjuman Ara Begum (2013)- "A Study of Extrajudicial Execution under Section 4(A) of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958"
Keynote speker in the ICSSR-Delhi sponsored National Seminar on Legal Pluralism and Northeast India: Transition of traditions from Colonial Rule to Present Judiciary System 7-8 November, 2023 at Rangia College
Orientation Programme for the students of LL.M. Semester I at Dispur Law College 04.03.2023
3rd Friday Lecture Series on the Topic: Legal Research Methodology: An Overview at the Royal School of Law And Administration The Assam Royal Global University on 18.11.2022
‘Customary Law among the Tribal Communities of Assam’ at the Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes, Government of Assam Jawaharnagar on 09.11.2022
Regional Consultation On Sexual harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)Act, 2013 at National Commission For Women and Centre For Gender Justice, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (16 February, 2019).
National Conference on Issues In North East India & the Role of ODL and ODR in Higher Education at Gauhati University Institute of Distance And Higher learning (19-20 March, 2019) . Paper titled 'Spreading of Human Rights Education Through Online mode among Adult Learners'.