Indranee Phookan Borooah
MA (Gauhati) PhD (Gauhati)
Guidance and Counselling
Department of Psychology Gauhati University, Guwahati 781014, Assam Email : Web :
The Department of Psychology was established with the objective of introducing psychology in the state. It is the first post graduate Department of Psychology in Assam.The Department was established in 1986 with Prof. K. P. Bora as its founder Head. Since then it has been conducting the 2yr MA/MSc semester course in Psychology for students drawn from diverse subjects such as psychology, philosophy, education, medicine and nursing. The PhD programme was also started a couple of years later. The importance of psychology was well established in the fields of education, medicine and management studies, but recently the importance of the subject has grown to include many areas such as artificial intelligence, environment, criminology, etc. The approach in most areas has also turned toward an interdisciplinary one and psychological principles have come to play an important role in practically all areas of specialization. As such the Department of Psychology at Gauhati University is a beginning to imparting instruction in a field which is expected to become increasingly important in the future.
Association of Psychologists
Psychologists' Association of North East India (PANEI) was established in the year 2000 on the initiative of the faculty members of the Department of Psychology. Since then this registered Association has grown immensely to include over 200 members from different states of the North East. PANEI has collaborated with the Department in all its activities and has been a constant support in terms of man power and funds to the Department of Psychology. Membership to the Association is open to all Post Graduates in Psychology. Associate Membership is open to candidates having Master Degree in Psychiatry, Social Work, Nursing, Philosophy, Anthropology, Education, and Home Science.
Research Areas
Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, etc.
Completed Projects
MA (Gauhati) PhD (Gauhati)
Guidance and Counselling
MA (gauhati) PhD (Gauhati)
Clinical Psychology
MA (Gauhati) PhD (Gauhati)
Clinical Psychology
MA (Jamia) PG Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (Jamia)
Clinical Psychology
MSc (Gauhati) PhD (Gauhati)
Clinical Psychology