B.Sc (Statistics), 2005, Cotton College
M.Sc (Statistics), 2007, Gauhati University
Ph.D (Statistics), 2017, Gauhati University
1. Nath, D.C. and Das,J (2017).:Modelling of Claim Severity through the mixture of Exponential distribution and compuation of its probabilityof ultimate ruin, Thailand Statistician, 15(2): 128-148.
2.Nath, D.C. and Das, J (2016): Burr Distribution as an Actuarial Risk Model and the computation of some of its Actuarial Quantities Related to the Probability of Ruin, Journal of Mathematical Finance, 6: 213-231.
3. Nath,D.C. and Das, J. (2016): Modelling of Insurance Data through two Heavy Tailed Distributions: Compuations of some of their Actuarial Quanties through Simulation from Equilibrium distributions and the use of their Convolutions, Journal of Mathematical Finance, 6: 378-400
M.Sc First Semester
1. Linear Algebra (STA-1026)
2. Practicals On Sample Survey (STA-1056)
M.Sc Second Semester
1. Practicals on Designs Of Experiments,Estimation and Simulation ( STA-2056)
2. Designs Of Experiments (STA-2036)
M.Sc Third Semester
1. Actuarial Statistics-I (STA-3046)
M.Sc Fourth Semester
1. U-Statistics and Semi-Parametric Methods (STA-4016)
2. Actuaries Statistics -II (STA-4046)
1. Asstt. Professor, Dept. Of Statistics, Dibrugarh University (From July, 2008 to August, 2011).
2. Asstt. Professor, Dept. Of Statistics, Gauhati University (From August, 2008 till date).
1. Presented a poster in the 2017 IISA International Conference on Statistics held in Hyderabad during the period 27 th Dec-30th Dec, 2017.
2. Presented a paper in the National Meet of Research Scholars in Mathematical Sciences held at the Department of Statistics, Gauhati University during the period 24th Nov-28th Nov, 2015.
3. Presented a paper in the North East Indian Universities Research Scholars Conference on Statistics held at the Dept. Of Statistics, Gauhati University during the period 25th Feb- 26th Feb, 2014.