- Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Gauhati w.e.f 1st August 2016 till date
- Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Gauhati May 2009-July 2016
- Phenomenology and Existentialism (Core)
Phenomenology and Continental Philosophy, more specifically, philosophers like Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault and Derrida. The set of questions these readings give, broadly defines my research interest.
- ICPR, sponsored project on " Phenomenology of Multiculturalism with Special Referene to North East India" 2010-2012
- ICPR General Fellowship, (2008), for research project on " Radical Sociality and The Problem of Relational Ethics: Heidegger and Levinas" in Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, 2008-2009
Selected Lectures :
Four lectures delivered for Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) workshop on Husserl’s Texts, 16th -24th April, 2017, New Delhi, ICPR on :
- Edmund Husserl’s Ideas I (Part II, Chapter 1), The Positing Which Belongs To The Natural Attitude And Its Exclusion
- Edmund Husserl's Ideas I (PART II, Chapter 2) Consciousness and Natural Actuality
- Edmund Husserl's Ideas II (Part II, Chapter 3) The Constitution of Psyche Reality Through The Body
- Edmund Husserl's Ideas II (Part ii, Chapter 4) The Constitution of Psyche Reality In Empathy
Two invited lectures on "Phenomenological Method", delivered for MPhil, Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai, March 28 and April 3, 2008
- Philosophy of Edmund Husserl, Astral International Publication, New Delhi, 2016
- The Problem of the Embodied Person: A Phenomenology Study , Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2012
- “What is Postmodernism Ethics ?”, Anvesana, Pandu College Philosophical Society, Pandu College, Guwahati, November, 2016. P.111-125
- “Identity : Meaning and Context,” in Globalization And Cultural Pluralism Challenge and Possibilities, Akansha Publishing House, 2016.p. 213-221
- “Phenomenology of Environmental Ethics,” in Nature, Culture and Philosophy: Indigenous Ecologies of North East India, Lakhi Publishers, 2014.p. 74-89
- “Emmanual Levinas: Ethics as the First Philosophy”, in Of Knowledge, Freedom and Reason, Department of Philosophy, Gauhati University, 2010.p.143-153.
- “Negotiating Religious Discourse Towards Peace” in Peace in Dialogue: Universals and Scientific Reflection on Northeast india, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008. P.210-304
- Department of Philosophy, University of Gauhati, Guwahati, Jalukbari, Assam, 781014
- P2, Block-A, Divya Apartment, Bishnu Rabha Path, Beltola, Guwahati, 781028
- Email : akoijamthoibisana@gauhati.ac.in, akoithoi@gmail.com
Ph.D Research Scholars:
- Ms. Manjima Saikia (2016)-"Kant's Deontology: A Critical Study" (Work in progress)
- Mr. Kishor Barman (2016) - "Feminist Ethics" (Work in progress)
Selected Publications :
- “Existential Psychoanalysis of Sartre” Gauhati University Journal of Philosophy, (GUJP) Guwahati, vol 2. December 2017.pp. 123-136
- "Postmodern Espistemology : A Study on Lyotard’s Condition of Knowledge,” in JijñÄsÄ : An annual review of Philosophy, volume IV, January 2017.pp.39-60
- “Heidegger on the Question of Being”, Gauhati University Journal of Philosophy, (GUJP) Guwahati, vol I. January 2017.pp. 95-100. ISSN 2456-3285
- “Is Deconstruction a Methodology” in Indian Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 37 (1-4) January-December 2010. p 1-20 .Published in December 2016. ISSN 0376-415X
- “Towards a Politics of Friendship in Understanding Inter-Cultural Dialogue” , in Sandhan Jounral for Center for Civilization, vol xiv, no. 2, 2014. p. 117-134
- “On Freedom and Ethics of Responsbility: Heidegger vs. Levinas”, in The Philosophical Quarterly, Pratap Center of Philosphy, Alamer, Vol 13 ( 1-4). 2014.p.73-88
- “Phenomenology as Research Methodology”, in Indian Philosophical Quarterly, vol 39 (1-2), January to June 2012. p.85-106
- “Heidegger on the Notion of Dasein as Habited Body,” in The Indo-Pacific Jounral of Phenomenology, vol., 8(2), September 2008.p.1-5
- “An Essay on Philosophy and Medicine:, in, Eubios Jounral of Asia and International Bioethics (EJAIB), Vol 17 (1), January 2007, UNESCO Bangkok, Thailand.p. 26-30
- “Exploitation in the Human Body-Trade and Some Ethcial Issues”, in, Eubios Jounral of Asia and International Bioethics ( EJAIB), Vol 17 (1), January 2007, UNESCO Bangkok, Thailand.p.16-22
- “Philosophy of the Body” in Philosophy Pathways, issue number 121, October 2006, online http://www.philosophypathways.com/newsletter/issue121.html
B.A (Honours in Philosophy), Miranda House, University of Delhi, 2000
P.G (Philosophy) North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, 2002
Ph.D (Philosophy) Insian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, 2008