MBA (Gauhati) MA (Gauhati)
Marketing and Cartography
Department of Business Administration
Gauhati University, Guwahati, 781014
Email: ssarkar[at]gauhati[dot]ac[dot]in
Awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) by Faculty of Management in the Department of Business Administration, Gauhati University on the topic entiltled “A study on Advertising Contents and its Effectiveness in Attitude Building of Vernaular Magazines and Newspaper of Assam".
Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing with First Class from Gauhati University.
Master of Arts in Geography (Cartography) from Gauhati University in 2006.
Bachelor of Arts (Geography) from Sonapur College, under Gauhati University in 2004, first class with Distinction).
UGC NET-JRF (Junior Research Fellowship - National Eligibility Test) for eligibility of Lectureship in Management in 2009 conducted by University Grant Commission.
SET (State Eligibility Test) for eligibility of Lectureship on 2007 , conducted by SLET Commission.
UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) for eligibility of Lectureship on 2007 , conducted by University Grant Commission.
UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) for eligibility of Lectureship on 2007 in December conducted by University Grant Commission.
Indian Oil Scholar of the year
Receipient of Bharati Airtel Merit Scholarship.
1. 1. Name of Consultancy/Project:
i. Assam Plains Tribes Development Corporation Ltd.
ii. Assam Plantation Crops Development Corporation Ltd
iii. Assam Mineral Development Corporation Ltd
iv. Assam Livestock & Poultry Development Corporation Ltd
v. Assam Apex Weavers & Artisans Co-operative Federation Ltd (ARTFED)
vi. Assam Fisheries Development Corporation Ltd
vii. Assam Power Distribution Corporation Ltd
viii. Assam Polyester Co-operative Society Ltd.
ix. Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board
Organization/Client: Govt of Assam
Dates (from 2011-2014);
Relevent Field/area of Experience;
Responsibilities handled: Restructuring, Training need idenfication, Development of MoU based performance Management System for the above organizations.
Organization/Client: Asian Developmental Bank
Dates (from 2016-2017);
Relevent Field/area of Experience: Principal Investigator
Responsibilities handled: Field study(Survey, focus group interview), identifying locations, methodology preparation, detail analysis, preparation of final report.
3. Name of Consultancy/Project:
Development of Spot and Derivatives Market for selected commodity products in Assam.
Funded by- University Grants Commission (UGC), SAP-I
· “Alternate Channels of Banks and Digital/Cashless Economy. A micro-analytical Study on the Awareness and Use of Alternate Channels in Guwahti Metropolitan Region” published in ‘International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance’, Vol-5, Issue-2 in September, 2017. ISSN: 2320-7507.
· “Measuring the Attitude of Individuals towards Print Media Advertisements” published in the ‘IUP Journal of Marketing Management’, Vol-XVI, No-1, in Feb, 2017 ISSN: 0972-6845.
· Use of Emotional Appeals, Guilt Appeals and Humour in Print Ads in Assamese and Bengali Magazine” published in the ‘International Journal of Economic and Business Review’ in May 2016, Vo-4, Issue-5, ISSN: 2349-0187.
· “Content analysis on Female role stereotypes in Print Advertisements of Assamese, Hindi and English magazines and Assamese newspapers” published in the international peered reviewed journal, ‘Scholars World’, in July 2015, Vol-III, Issue-III ISSN: 2319-5789.
· “Advertising information contents in the print media advertisements in Assam” published in the international blind peer reviewed research journal of “CU Global Management Review”, Vol-5, Issue-1, Jan-June, 2016.
ISSN: 2349-1078.
· “Perception Mapping on the Use of Plastic Bags in Guwahati City. A study on Use, Disposal and Ban on Plastic Bags” published 31st January, 2018 as a conference proceeding of 36th Indian Geographers’ Meet of the Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG) in Guwahati University. ISBN: 978-93-81859-53-7.
· “Manuscripts as Intellectual Heritage of Ancient Assam and its Conservation. Role Played by K.K.Handiqui Library, MRC & MCC in Assam” published in 2014 as a conference proceeding of a National Seminar organized by Sonapur College in Collaboration with Indian National Trust for Arts and Cultural Heritage.ISBN: 978-81-7213-231-6.
“Employee Satisfaction and HR services: The quality of HR services provided in Oil refineries of Assam”, published as a conference proceeding of UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Tezpur College, 15-16 Feb, 2012 on ‘Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Economic Development of North –East India.’, ISBN 978-81-923580-2-4.
· “Challenges of Micro finance Institutes and its impact on Economic Development of Assam: An impact study of SHGs in Assam” (2013), on a book ‘Challenges of Micro Finance Institutes and its impact’ ISBN 978-81-311-0451-4, pg no 124.
· “Impact of Micro-finance in women empowerment in Assam” in National level Journal “Bornolipi”- an interdisciplinary Journal- Volume-I. Issue-V, ISSN: 2249-2666.
· “Growth, Sustainability and murders of Indian farmer and farming” in ‘Annual Journal of Gauhati University Teachers’ Association’, volume XXII, ISSN 0976-0972, 2012-13, pg no 54.
· “Geopolitics: Then and Now” in ‘Annual Journal of Gauhati University Teachers’ Association’, volume XXI, ISSN 0976-0972, 2011-12, pp137
· “Consumer Preference and Advertising” (2012), in Jornal of Gauhati University Research Scholars’ Association, volume-V, ISSN- 2250-0456.
· Presented a paper on “Portrayal of Women in the selected Magazines” in an International Seminar on ‘Media Discourse’ held on 12th November 2017, organized by Dept of Mass Communication, Gauhati University.
· Paper presented in the International conference on ‘CHANGING PARADIGMS IN MARKETING OF SERVICES (ICCPMS)’ on the topic entitled “Alternate Channels Of Banks And Cashless Economy” presented in the University of Hyderabad, School of Management on 10th to 12th January, 2017at Hyderabad.
· Presented a paper in ‘36th Indian Geographers’ Meet and International Seminar on Environmental Changes and Challenges: Local, Regional and Global Perspectives’ held from Feb 25-28, 2015 on “Perception Mapping on the use of plastic bags in Guwahati City”, organized by Dept. of Geography, Gauhati University.
· Presented a paper in ICSSR sponsored International Seminar on ‘Women Empowerment: Issues and Challenges” organized by Dept.of Economics, Gossaigaon College, held from 4th -6th Feb, 2015 on “Content analysis on Female Role stereotypes in print advertisement of Assamese, Hindi and English magazines and newspapers”.
· Presented a paper in UGC sponsored international seminar on ‘Environmental Degradation, Sustainable Development and Entrenchment of poverty: Issues and policy implications’, organized by CKB College, Teok held from 21st to 23rd August, 2014, on “ Disaster Management: problem, perceptions and participation of people in Guwahati City”.
· Presented a paper in International Seminar and 27th Annual Conference of Council for Teacher Education (CTE), India on ‘Inclusion and Qualitative Expansion in Education- Issues and Challenges’, held from 7th , - 9th Feb, 2013, organized by Dept. of Education, Dibrugarh University on “Equity, cost recovery, viability and reform in Higher Education”.
· Presented a paper on “Impact of PMGSY roads on Socio-economic Development in the selected districts of Assam” in the Second National Conference on “Management in the Current Scenario: Trends, Issues And Challenges” in Assam Institute of Management (AIM) dated March 16-17, 2018.
· Presented a paper on “Impact of advertising in the alcohol consumption of people” held on 11th November , 2017, organized by Dept of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University.
· Presented a paper on “Insurgency, Economic Development and Sustainable Farming : An Entrepreneurial Study of Banana Cultivation in Boko” in a national Seminar on ‘Entrepreneurship: A drive towards Socio-Economic Development of North Eastern Region’ held on 4th June, 2013, organized by Dept of Management, NEHU.
· Presented a paper on “Structural Reforms, changing pattern and Higher Education and its probable impact on society and education” in a national Seminar on ‘Indian Higher Education in the 21st century: Constraints and possibilities’ held on 22nd and 23rd March, 2013, organized by University of Science and Technology Meghalaya.
· Presented a paper on UGC sponsored national Seminar on “Challenges of Micro finance Institutes and its impact in Economic Development of Assam: an impact of SHGs in Assam” on ‘Micro-finance and Sustainable development in North East India’ held on 30th and 31st May, 2012, organized by Lakhimpur Commerce College.
· Presented a paper on UGC sponsored national Seminar on “Adoption Technology for teaching and learning- a study on behavioral changes among the students and teachers of Higher Education” on ‘Behavioural Changes of Students in the Higher Educational Institutions-issues and Trends’ held on 28th and 29th June, 2012, organized by Gauhati Commerce College.
· Presented a paper on UGC sponsored national Seminar on “Choosing a job portal: Offline or online in Guwahati City” organized on ‘Human Resource Management in Higher Education Institutions: Roadmap for prosperity’ held on 6thand 7th September, 2014, organized by Tinsukia Commerce College.
· Presented a paper on UGC sponsored national Seminar on ‘Role of corporate social responsibility in economic development of North East’ held on 15th and 16th February, 2012, organized by Faculty of Commerce and department of Business Administration, Tezpur College.
· Presented a paper on UGC sponsored national Seminar on “Manuscript as Intellectual Heritage of Ancient Assam and its conservation- Role played by K.K.Handiqui Library, MRC & MCC in Assam” on ‘Heritage at Risk: A clarion Call for its stakeholders’ held on 28th May, 2012, organized by IQAC, Sonapur College.