Teaching & Research Experience
2005 - onwards
Courses Taught
PG Level: Real Analysis & Lebesgue Measure, Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis, Mathematical Logic, etc.
Pre-Ph.D. Course Work: Paper-2 (Computer Application), Paper-3/4 (Optional Topical Papers), Paper-5 (Research & Publication Ethics)
Research Interests
Applied Analysis, Mathematical Modelling, Functional Equations, Summability Theory & Applications
Ph.D. Scholars
J. Gogoi (UGC-National Fellow-Degree Awarded), S. Das (DST-INSPIRE Fellow-Degree Awarded), P. Bhattarai (DHE, Assam-Fellowship, Degree Awarded), J. Phukan (DST-INSPIRE Fellow, Pre-Submission Seminar Done), M.P. Dutta (Final Registration Done), A. Chutia (DAE-NBHM-Project JRF, Persuing), R. Choudhury (Persuing).
Project JRF/Fellows
A. Chutia (DAE-NBHM), B. Sarma (UGC-DAE-CSR)
Research Projects (Completed/Ongoing)
UGC-Research Project, SERB-MATRICS, DAE-NBHM-Research Project, UGC-DAE-CSR-Project.
- Taylor & Francis Books: https://www.routledge.com/search?author=Hemen%20Dutta
- Springer Books: https://link.springer.com/search?query=Hemen+Dutta&facet-content-type=%22Book%22
- Wiley Books: https://www.wiley.com/en-in/search?pq=Hemen%20Dutta%7Crelevance
- Elsevier Books: https://shop.elsevier.com/search?query=Hemen%20Dutta&type=Book&type=Journal
- American Mathematical Society Books: https://bookstore.ams.org/browse?Author=%22Hemen%20Dutta%22
- AIP Proceedings: https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1751/1
Research Papers & Chapters
- Scopus Profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35731337000
Notable Activities
1. Ten events have been organized so far, including one international conference and one international maths festival. I also served as an organizing team member and resource person for several science communication and math popularization programmes through various platforms and different kinds of associations. |
2. NBHM, INSA, and UGC grants were received for organizing conferences at Gauhati University. Availed two international travel grants from the UGC fund. The IMU-CDC was awarded a funding through the 7th SEAMS-UGM International Conference. |
3. Visited several foreign and national institutions as Visiting Scientist, Visiting Scholar, and Invited Speaker in Seminar / Workshop. |
4. Designed and Revised Syllabus of Papers for Ph.D Course Work in Mathematics at Gauhati University. |
5. Invited Talks delivered and Chaired Sessions at many major National and International Conferences in online mode. |
6. Served on Advisory, Organizing, Scientific, and other committee of several Conferences. |
7. Served as a resource person for School Teacher Training Program, Workshop for School Students, Refresher Courses, FDP Program, etc. |
8. Editor of several SCI/SCI-Exp. and Scopus indexed journals. |
9. Guest edited several thematic issues for SCIE and Scopus indexed journals. |
10. Book Series Editor at leading publishers. |
11. Served as a Joint-Secretary of the Assam Academy of Mathematics for two years. Also, honorarily associated with reputed foreign institutions, and member of INSA-INYAS. |
12. Reviewed several research articles for databases and journals. |
13. Completed a short-term course on PC assembly and maintenance from the ATI-EPI, Hyderabad. Also, completed several online modules/courses on research and related themes. |
14. Life member of ASS, AAM, IMS, CMS, and AMTI. |
15. Authored a variety of general and popular articles for media such as newspaper, science magazine, popular book, and science portal. |