Completed Projects (as PI):
Cost in Lakh
Start date
Completion date
Agency /Scheme
Identification of low-cost molecular marker for the detection of zygotic embryos and nucellar embryos in rough lemon and khasi mandarin from Northeast India
Rs 20 Lakh
January 2013
March 2016
Understanding host pathogen interaction in Aquilaria malaccensis and molecular mechanism of agarwood formation
Rs 41.696 Lakh
May 2013
May 2016
Therapeutic targets and intervention of Insulin signalling in Oxidative Stress: A Molecular Approach
Rs 60.08 Lakh
April 2013
September 2016
DBT Twinning
Integrated approach to understand agarwood formation and value addition of Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) using omics approaches
Rs 43.15 Lakh
Jan 2017
July 2020
DBT Twinning
Study of molecular basis of fruit morphology variation in Assam lemon through genomic approach
Rs 44.332 Lakh
April 2018
September 2021
DBT Task Force
Deciphering the role of microbes in agarwood deposition and functional characterization of important key enzymes
Rs 47.22996 Lakh
August 2018
August 2021
DBT Twinning
Ongoing Research Projects (As Co-PI):
Cost in Lakh
Start date
End date
Development of synergistic combination of compounds from synergistic essential oil mixture against Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae)
7.583 Lakh
October 2022
October 2024
To understand the mystery of agarwood formation, its aroma components and the host pathogen interaction relationship inolved in agawood formation using OMICS approach
To explore citrus resources of Northeast India using molecular tools
To understand the effect of dietary antioxidants on ROS generated during Type 2 diabetics
To study the change in fluorescent properties of different synthesized molecules under in vitro conditions
Peer reviewed journal publications
- Effect of Anthropogenic Activities on Patterns of Genetic Diversity in Symplocos racemosa Roxb. From Western Ghats, India. S. Banu, R. M. Bhagwat, M. D. Lagu, N. Y. Kadoo, B. G. Kulkarni and V. S. Gupta. International Journal of Biodiversity (2014), Article ID 296891, 10 pages.
- .A review on the widespread therapeutic application of the tradiotional Herb Drymaria cordata. K Kashyap, P. Sarkar, M.C. Kalita, S. Banu. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (2014) 5(1): 696 – 705.
- Symplocos laurina: an unexplored important medicinal plant of Shola forest system. S. Banu, K. Kashyap. International Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (2013), 3 (3): 366- 374.
- .Evaluation of genetic variability in Symplocos laurina Wall. from two biodiversity hotspots of India. R.M. Bhagwat, S. Banu, B.B. Dholakia, N. Y. Kadoo, M. D. Lagu, V.S. Gupta, Plant Systematics and Evolution (2014), 1-9. doi 10.1007/s00606-014-1046-4.
- .Study on distribution of Pro12Ala SNP of PPAR gamma 2 gene in randomly sampled diabetic population from Guwahati city. N. Majumdar, A. Bhowmick, P. Sarkar, R. Doley, I. Kalita, S. Medhi, S. Banu. Italian Journal of Medicine (2014) 9(2): 1567-162 doi: 10.4081/itjm.2014.447.
- Analysis of genetic variability in Aquilaria malaccensis from Bramhaputra valley, Assam, India using ISSR markers. S. Banu, D. Baruah, R. M. Bhagwat, P. Sarkar, A. Bhowmick, N. Y. Kadoo. Flora (2015) 217: 24- 32.
- .Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals pollution in soils of Guwahati city, Assam, India. M. Das, D. K. Patel, A. K. Sarma, B. K. Baruah, S. Banu, J. Kotoky. Current Science (2016) 110 (12): 2285-2292. doi: 10.18520/cs/v110/i12/2280-2285.
- .2-Hydroxyacetophenone and ethylenediamine condensed Schiff base: Fluorescent sensor for Al3+ and PO4 3-, biological cell imaging and INHIBIT logic gate. D. K. Das, J. Kumar, A Bhowmick, P.K. Bhattacharyya, S. Banu. Inorganica Chimica Acta (2017) 462: 167-173.
- .Enhanced biodegradation of anthracene by Bacillus cereus strain JMG-01 isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soils. M. Das, A. Bhattacharya, S. Banu, J. Kotoky. Soil and Sediment Contamination (2017) 26 (5): 510-525. doi: 10.1080/15320383.2017.135711.
- Therapeutic Targets of Type 2 Diabetes: an Overview. A Bhowmick and S. Banu MOJ Drug Design Development and Therapy (2017) 1(3):60-64. doi: 10.15406/mojddt.2017.01.00011.
- .Condensation product of 2-hydroxy-1-napthaldehyde and 2-aminophenol: Selective fluorescent sensor for Al3+ ion and fabrication of paper strip sensor for Al3+ ion. S. Sarma, A. Bhowmik, M. J. Sarma, S. Banu, P. Phukan, D. K. Das. Inorganica Chimica Acta (2018) 469:202–208.
- Silver nanoparticle modified Pt electrode as voltammetric and electrochemical impedance sensor for hydrogen peroxide in live biological cells. K. Deka, J. Kumar, A. Bhowmick, S. Banu, D. K. Das. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 57A (2018) 485-489.
- Comparative analysis of different dietary antioxidants on oxidative stress pathway genes in L6 myotubes under oxidative stress. P. Sarkar, A. Bhowmick, S. Banu. Cytotechnology (2018) 70 (4) 1177–1192. doi: 10.1007/s10616-018-0209-5)
- Effects of Resveratrol and Mangiferin on PPARγ and FALDH gene expressions in adipose tissue of streptozotocin nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. P. Sarkar, A. Bhowmick, M.C. Kalita, S. Banu. Journal of Dietary Supplements (2019) 16 (6) 659-675. doi: 10.1080/19390211.2018.1472714.
- Study of polyembryony and development of molecular markers for identification of zygotic and nucellar seedlings in Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). K. Kashyap, S. Banu, M.N. Shrivastava, N. Ramchiary. International Journal of Environmental Agriculture and Biotechnology (2018), 3(2), 363-372.
- Characterizing ethylene pathway genes during the development, ripening, and postharvest response in Citrus reticulata Blanco fruit pulp. K. Kashyap and S. Banu. Turkish Journal of Botany (2019) 43: 173-184. doi:10.3906/bot-1711-45.
- An Improved Cost-Effective Method of RNA Extraction from Aquilaria malaccensis. Md R. Islam and S. Banu. Acta Scientific Agriculture (2019) 3 (2): 30-38.
- Modulatory effect of baicalein on gene expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. P. Sarkar, K. Nath, S. Banu. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2019) 55:e18201. 1-11.
- Determination of individual type 2 diabetes risk profile in the north eastern Indian population and its association with anthropometric parameters. P. Sarkar, A. Bhowmick, M.P. Baruah, S. Bhattacharjee, P. Subhadra, S. Banu. Indian Journal of Medical Research (2019) 150: 390-398. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_888_17.
- Characterizing the Nutrient Composition, Physiological Maturity, and Effect of Cold Storage in Khasi Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)”. K. Kashyap, D. Kashyap, M. N. Shrivastava, N. Ramchiary, S. Banu. International Journal of Fruit Science (2019), 1-21.doi: 10.1080/15538362.2019.1666334.
- Gene expression analysis associated with agarwood formation in Aquilaria malaccensis. Md. R. Islam, B.S. Bhau, S. Banu, Plant Physiology Reports (2020) 25, 304–314.
- Association of SLC30A8, CDKAL1, HHEX & TCF7L2 gene polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes in the population of North East India. A. Bhowmick, P. Sarkar, M. P. Baruah, S. Bhattacharjee, P. Subhadra, S. Banu. Cytology and Genetics (2020) 54 (2), 165-172
- An overview of basic molecular biology of SARS-CoV-2 and current COVID-19 prevention strategies. A. Das, R. Ahmed, S. Akhtar, K. Begum, S. Banu (2021) Gene Reports, 101122. doi: 10.1016/j.genrep.2021.101122.
- Assessment of genetic variability amongst cultivated populations of Khasi mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) detected by ISSR. K. Kashyap, R.M. Bhagwat, S. Banu, Plant Genetic Resources (2021) 19 (2), 122-132. doi:10.1017/S1479262121000162.
- Genome-wide detection and classification of terpene synthase genes in Aquilaria agallochum. A. Das, K. Begum, S. Akhtar, R. Ahmed, R. Kulkarni, S. Banu Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (2021)27 (8), 1711-1729. doi: 10.1007/s12298-021-01040-z.
- In-house Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for detection of SARS-CoV2 with increased Sensitivity. M.J. Kalita, K. Dutta, G. Hazarika, R. Dutta, S. Kalita, P.P. Das, M.P. Sarma, S. Banu, M.G. Idris, A.J. Talukdar, S. Dutta, A. Sharma, S. Medhi (2021) Scientific Reports 11 (1), 17878.
- Transcript profiling leads to biomarker identification for agarwood resin-loaded Aquilaria malaccensis. M. Islam, S. Banu (2021), Trees 35 (6), 2119-2132.
- Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria and Fungi Associated with Agarwood Fermentation. M. Islam, C. Chakraborty, S. Banu (2022), Current Microbiology 79 (10), 1-18. doi: 10.1007/s00284-022-02999-y.
- Genome-wide investigation of Cytochrome P450 superfamily of Aquilaria agallocha: Association with terpenoids and phenylpropanoids biosynthesis. A. Das, K. Begum, S. Akhtar, R. Ahmed, P. Tamuli, R Kulkarni, S. Banu (2023). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 234, 123758. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123758.
- Delineating the degree of genetic divergence within Assam lemon (Citrus limon ‘Assam lemon’) accessions in Assam, India. R. Ahmed, S. Akhtar, A. Das, K. Begum, K. Kashyap, S. Banu (2023). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. highlighted by Nature India doi: on 18th June 2023 and Identified as Nature India’s top 10 for 2023 on 21st December 2023.
- Genome-wide analysis of respiratory burst oxidase homolog (Rboh) genes in Aquilaria species and insight into ROS-mediated metabolites biosynthesis and resin deposition. K. Begum, A. Das, R. Ahmed, S. Akhtar, R. Kulkarni, S. Banu (2024). Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1326080. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1326080
- Evaluation of morphological traits, biochemical parameters and seeding availability pattern among Citrus limon ‘Assam lemon’ accessions across Assam. S. Akhtar, R. Ahmed, K. Begum, A. Das, S. Saikia, R. Amin Laskar, S. Banu (2024). Scientific Reports 14, 3886.
For Citation:
Book chapters:
- Book chapter entitled “Molecular elucidation of the history and evolution of montane plants of India” published in the book “Diversity analysis: a molecular approach” by The Rapinat Herbarium, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli, India (2009) Sofia Banu, Meena D. Lagu and Vidya S. Gupta, pp 103-122.
- Book Chapter entitled “Emerging tool in medical diagnostics: Liquid Biopsy” by Sofia Banu published in the book “Emerging Trends in Science and Technology” by Purbayaon Publications, Guwahati, India (2017), pp 26-36. ISBN 978-81-92955-63-6.
- Book Chapter entitled “Popular traditional fermented fishes from North-east India” by Karishma Kashyap and Sofia Banu published in the book “Fermented Foods and Beverages” by Avishkar Publishers, Jaipur, India (2017), pp 1-27. ISBN 978-81-7910-547-4.
- Book Chapter entitled “Improvement of cereals and Pulses using Transgenic Technology” by Ananya Bhowmick and Sofia Banu published in the book “Diseases of Cereals and Pulses Management Practices” by Avishkar Publishers, Jaipur, India (2019), pp 1-27. ISBN 978-81-941164-4-8.
- Book Chapter entitled “CRISPR/Cas in Improvement of Food Crops for Feeding the World into the Future” by Suraiya Akhtar, Raja Ahmed, Khaleda Begum, Ankur Das, and Sofia Banu published in the book “Advanced Crop Improvement, Volume 2, Case Studies of Economically Important Crops” by Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2023), pp 529-566. ISBN 978-3-031-26668-3.
- Book Chapter entitled “Management of Citrus diseases using Transgenic Technology” by Ankur Das, Khaleda Begum, Raja Ahmed, Suraiya Akhtar and Sofia Banu published in the book “Diseases of fruits and vegetables Integrated Management Practices by EBH Publishers, Guwahati, India (2023), pp 82-103, ISBN 978-93-92038-87-7.
Popular Science Articles:
- “Renewed interest in Natural products: contributing factors and new technologies” Sofia Banu, Newsletter of North East India Research Forum N. E. Quest; April 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1, 53-62.
- “Citrus fruits some facts” Sofia Banu and Karishma Kashyap, Assam Tribune, 25th April 2014.
- “Superspice” Purabi Sarkar and Sofia Banu, Assam Tribune, 3rd November 2014.
- “Resveratrol: The Elixir of youth” Sofia Banu and Purabi Sarkar, Assam Tribune 2nd October 2014.
- “Stem cells: Possibilities ahead” Sofia Banu and Kankana Kashyap, Assam Tribune 25th December 2015
- “Stem cells: Possibilities ahead-II” Sofia Banu and Kankana Kashyap, Assam Tribune 1st January 2016.
- “Antioxidants and diabetics” Sofia Banu, Horizon, page no 2, Assam Tribune 6th January 2017.
- “Antioxidants and diabetics II” Sofia Banu, Horizon, page no 2, Assam Tribune 13th January 2017.
- “GMO in the medicine sector” Sofia Banu and Karishma Kashyap, Horizon, page no 2, Assam Tribune 3rd March 2017.
- “A growing enterprise” Sofia Banu and Preetama Sarma The Assam Tribune Sunday reading 8th December 2019.
- “AIDS: where we stand today?” Sofia Banu and Rofiqul Islam, Horizon, page no 1, Assam Tribune 2nd December 2022.
- “A Tangy Treasure” Sofia Banu, Sunday Reading, page no 1, Assam Tribune 21st April 2024.
Prof. Asish Nandi, School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi
Dr. Nirala Ramchiary, School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi
Dr. Narendra Y Kadoo, CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
Dr. Mahesh Kulkarni, CSIR -National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
Dr. Ram Kulkarni, Symbiosis School of Biological Sciences, Symbiosis International University, Pune
Dr. Anajalika Roy, Visva Bharati University,Santiniketan, West Bengal
Prof. Madhumita Barooah, Dept of Agriculture Biotechnology, AAU, Jorhat
Dr. Phatik Tamuli, Dept of Botany, Darrang College, Tezpur,
Dr. Bimal Debnath, Dept. of Forestry and Biodiversity, Tripura University, Agartala
Dr. V. Mohan, Dept of Diabetology, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai
Dr. Radha Venkatesan, Dept of Genetics, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai
Dr. Dhanasekaran Bodhini, Dept of Genetics, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai
Dr. Manash Pratim Baruah, Dept of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Excelcare Hospital, Guwahati
- Plant Biotechnology
- Natural Product Chemistry
- Genetic Engineering
- Protein Engineering
- Metabolomics
- Instrumentation
M. Tech
- Molecular Farming
- Plant Cell Technology
Ph.D. Course Work
- Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- Plant Biotechnology and Natural Product Chemistry
Ph. D Scholars
- Ms Khaleda Begum: Research Interest: Changes in the Sesquiterpenoid genes during agarwood formation
- Mr Raja Ahmed: Research Interest: To study the molecular and biochemical variation in Assam lemon (Citrus limon)
- Mr Ankur Das: Research Interest: Molecular characterization of key enzymes involved in sesquiterpenoids biosynthesis and deciphering role of microbes in agarwood induction
- Ms Suraiya Akhtar: Research Interest: Understanding seeding patterns, metabolite distribution and antioxidant potency of Citrus limon ‘Assam lemon’
- Mrs Kangkana Thakur: Research Interest: Characterization of indigenous rice cultivars of Assam and genetics of important traits associated with yield and quality
- Mrs. Manjisa Choudhary: Research Interest: Proteome and cytokine characterization in HLA-B27 associated anterior uvetitis patients for potential biomarker identification